
1. Prayer of Fasting

Fasting is a prayer were you seek God more than usual.
- In old testament, the Jews fasted in order to brings God's presence among the Jewish people and protection against their enemies in time when the presence of God is not with Israelites.They used to fast for a long period of time as well their household including their animals and used to wear sack cloth and lay into ashes during fasting Esther 4:3

2. Tongues
The prayer of tongues basically is a gift of spirit.
-speaking in tongues is where a christian only speak to God only but not man.
- Speaking in tongues shows that one is baptised by the Holy Spirit cause we speak in tongues because we are baptised in Holy Spirit but we don't speak before baptism of spirit.

3. Thanks giving prayer
Thanks giving prayer is a prayer for thanking God for what He has done.
In Old testament, Israelites used to thank God for what He has done by offering sacrifice, praising God.

The Lord's prayer
Our father
Who is in heaven
Allow be the name thy kingdom come
Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven
Give us these day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses
As we forgive those that trespass against us
Do not leads us into evil
But save us from our enemies
For the glory is yours now and forever

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