
Emmanuel earns 5m in aquarter acre of onions
Before I started growing onions in 2019 i heard that i will get money in growing onions.
But i myself kn
ew that i can't happen God
           "cause the bible says nothing is.                   impossible with Him" 
I want to say that me trusting enable me be successful in it. Cause as the bible says put your trust in God = to mean when u asked anything from God you will always succeed cause He help those who trust in him. 
First it should in anursery bed for a period of 1 monthIt should be transplanted when it is like this

Now mine though it looked dried up 
but the good thing with it is  it can survive
Even like me i though it wont but after using chibacal in my nersury bed(to kill underground organism) it manage to be like 

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