
Christians do not stay angry for a long time because we are not to let the sun go down on our anger. This means that maximum time for being ...

When you receive Jesus, you as that Christ dwells in you.
So surely does a person that Christ dwells in still sin.

In Genesis the kind of sin which was the first sin was knowing what was good and bad. So when are committed in knowing something bad you will be concerned and being concerned will make you miserable.

But a person doesn't put much interest into world things because the fruit of spirit in love, kindness and gentleness which in a way makes oneself to be free from such miserably nevertheless one would sealed with God's grace.
One day, there was a man who loved God but people were trying to kill the many so one day a neighbour invited the man for dinner that was the plan


Anger leads to spiritual nakedness and its leads us away from God and sometimes make us so disobedient God

For if we don't forgive others the grace of God which we received when we accepted him as our Lord and saviour goes away (that happened as a result of anger)  hence you will need to confessed Christ again

I remember one day in school when the preacher was saying that ask God and you will received even when are asking for something like a ball tell him the size, color and He will give it to you cause Jesus said " ask and you will receive"
And the bible itself clarify that ask God anything cause He is God of impossibles
But if you asked God and you don't receive what you asked know that you are the problem
which comes through anger and disobedience
And remember that that these two things among others lead you away from God
  1. And remember that it has led most christian to spiritual nakedness
  2. But Christ walked in love and the spirit of God was with Him

And through there is provision
Be blessed

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